An excellent camping adventure can turn into a nightmare if you do not put attention to the waterproofing of your camping tent.
One of the most common mistakes that people often make is that they do not put any heed to the waterproofing of the tent flooring.
People just buy a waterproof camping tent and they think they are good to go.
And the result? Embarrassment in the wilderness.
If you want to avoid the trouble in the wilderness. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to waterproof the tent flooring.
So, you can sleep dry and cosy in the wilderness.
Enough talking let’s jump right into the details, and check out the tent floor waterproofing steps.
Waterproofing the Tent Flooring (Step-by-Step)
1. Ensure Tent is Dry & Clean
Firstly, you have to take your camping tent to the backyard, or some other open area (preferably on a sunny day). Then, you have to fully set up the tent and wash it properly using detergent or shampoo.
There should not be dirt or any dust particles inside the tent (you do not have to clean the tent if it’s brand new).
Then you have to let it dry there for a few hours before proceeding further.
2. Applying the Waterproofing Spray
After the tent has fully dried up, take a good quality tent waterproofing spray, and apply it on the floor so that it forms a layer of liquid on the surface of the camping tent.
Make sure, the spray dries up naturally. Afterwards, you can reapply the waterproofing spray for added protection.
There are some areas that are weaker than the rest of the tent. Including the sides of the doors, the bottom seals, etc. Ensure the spray reaches these areas properly.
3. Applying the Tent Seam Sealer (Optional)
After applying the DWR spray, you can use the tent seam sealer to enhance the waterproofing capabilities of your camping tent.
Take the tent seam sealer spray, and apply it gently all over the seals of the tent. After applying the seam-sealer spray (just like the DWR spray), let it dry there for a few moments.
4. Adding an Extra Layer of Tarp (Optional)
After the application of the DWR, and the tent seam sealer, its time for adding some extra protection. For the sake of the added protection from the rainwater. We highly recommend getting a hard tarp for placing outside the tent to avoid the seepage of water inside the tent.
There are a couple of benefits of using a camping tarp. Firstly, it provides excellent protection from the seepage of water inside the tent.
Secondly, it can protect your tent from getting punctured. Therefore, we highly recommend getting a tarp for your camping tent.
5. Choosing the Right Spot for Camping
No matter which camping tent you choose, how much waterproofing spray you apply, whatever tarp you use, water will get inside your camping tent if you do not choose the right camping spot.
The best camping spot is always on a higher altitude. In a way that the water does not get pounded in that area. Even if you have the best waterproof tent, you will be soaked with water if you do not choose the right site.
Always make sure the camping site that you are choosing is on higher ground, and there are no chances of standing water in that area.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do You Need to Waterproof the Tent Flooring of a Brand New Camping Tent?
Well, you do not necessarily need to waterproof the camping floor of a brand new camping tent. However, there are no cons of waterproofing the floor of your camping tent. In fact, it provides you with additional protection from the rainwater.
Can You Waterproof an Old Tent?
Yes, you can waterproof an older camping tent if it is still in good condition. All the steps of waterproofing the flooring of the camping tent are mentioned above. You can follow these steps to easily waterproof your camping tent.
Why Does My Tent Leak When it Rains?
There can be a bunch of different reasons for the leaking of your camping tent. Follow this step-by-step procedure, and you can get to know, why specifically your camping tent leaks.
How Often Do Tents Need Waterproofing?
It totally depends upon the usage of your camping tent. However, we highly recommend reapplying the waterproofing spray on your camping tent after every a few months to keep the waterproofing capabilities of your camping tent intact.
Does Waterproof Spray-Work on Tents?
Yes, you can use the waterproofing sprays also known as the DWR sprays to enhance the waterproofing of your camping tent.
Can You Clean a Tent With Vinegar?
We do not recommend cleaning your camping tent with concentrated vinegar. However, you can use a 50/50 mixture of vinegar, and water to clean your camping tent in an effective manner.
Waterproofing the flooring of a camping tent is often neglected, and people have to suffer in the wilderness. We have shared our complete steps to waterproof the flooring of the camping tent in an effective manner.
If you still have any questions in mind regarding the waterproofing of the camping tent, feel free to ask us in the comments section below.