Spraying your camping tent with a waterproofing spray is perhaps one of the best ways to make it waterproof. This magical spray enhances the waterproofing capabilities of your brand new tent as well as helps you regain the lost waterproofing on your brand new tent.
However, the problem is, a lot of people do not know how to use the waterproofing spray effectively, and level-up the water repellent capabilities of your tent.
Don’t worry! In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how you can properly apply the water repellent spray on a tent to help you achieve a better level of water repellency.
So, without wasting any further time, let’s get right into it.
3 Steps for Applying the Tent Waterproofing Spray
You can follow these three easy to follow steps to effectively apply the waterproofing spray to your camping tent.
1. Cleaning
The first step is to clean the tent. You have to fully set up a tent in the open air (preferably on a warm sunny day). After opening up the tent, throw a bunch of clean water on it. So, all the dirt gets wiped-off.
Then you have to apply a detergent or soap solution to it and spread it gently with the help of some cloth. After you have applied the soap solution, run the water again and clean off all the remaining dirt, and the applied soap.
Now, you will have a much cleaner tent that is free from all the dirt, and particles. Let it dry in the sunshine.
2. Applying the Waterproofing Spray
In the second step, you will have to apply the waterproofing spray. There are different methods for the application of different waterproofing sprays, but the core remains the same. You will need the best tent for rain for effective waterproofing.
Gently press the spray button on the waterproofing spray so that it covers the outer side of the tent. Slowly and gently move around the camping tent, and make sure the spray is settling on top of the tent in the form of a coating.
Spray the whole rainfly with the waterproofing spray. You have to pay deep attention to the seams of the tent. It is the weakest spot in a camping tent, and water often finds its way into the tent through the seams.
You can double coat the seams of the tent if you feel necessary. Remove the excessive spray and residue from the tent with the help of a soft cloth.
3. Drying and Packing
Lastly, you have to let the tent dry itself in the sunlight. It will take approximately 2-3 hours for your tent to fully dry-up. Do not try to put the wet tent into the bag, otherwise, you will notice the pungent smell of waterproofing liquid in your camping tent.
After the drying procedure, put your camping tent into its bag, and get ready for your next camping adventure!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We have been lately receiving some questions about the application of tent waterproofing sprays. We have put them together in the form of a Q & A. So, you can easily get your questions to get answered.
Which Tent Waterproofing Spray do you Recommend?
Well, we have published a complete list of best tent waterproofing sprays that you can follow to choose the right waterproofing product for your needs.
How Long Does This Whole Procedure Take?
The whole waterproofing procedure of your camping tent takes approximately 4-5 hours. But the active time that you spend on your tent waterproofing it is less than an hour.
Why it is not recommended to get put wet camping tent into a bag?
A camping tent when not dried properly after the application of waterproofing spray leaves a strong smell that can be troublesome for you.
Why it is Recommended to Apply the Spray on a Sunny Day?
Because the drying procedure of the tent becomes much easier when you put it in the direct sunlight. So, it is recommended to apply the waterproofing on a sunny day.
Final Verdict
The application of a proper waterproofing spray is the backbone of any proper waterproofing procedure. We have put together a complete step-by-step guide that you can follow to choose the right product for your needs.
If you have any questions regarding the waterproofing of a camping tent, feel free to ask in the comments section below.